Friendship Cards for LAUSD Homeless Student Backpacks due by April 15, 2022
On April 23-24, The Giving Spirit is committed to serving homeless LAUSD students by assembling and delivering 1200 backpacks containing needed school supplies, hygiene items, hand santizer, face masks - items for the student and the entire family that will help a student succeed at school and remain safe and healthy.
Every LAUSD homeless student backpack will include a homemade “Friendship Card” – it’s often the first item that the student's pull from the bag because it tells them just how much we care and gives them hope that they are not forgotten!
This is where you come in…
We would love your compassion and creativity to help create these cards…and make sure it gets to those in need. It’s a meaningful endeavor – and easier than you might think.
First, fold a sheet of 8.5” x 11” paper in half, lengthwise.
Then fold it again, to make your card.
This is the front of the card.
Here is where you show off your art skills! We encourage the use of color in your drawings: markers, crayons, colored pencils – whatever arts supplies you have in your home.
This is the inside of the card.
Your personal, written message goes here. Write from the heart. Share your love, your encouragement and warmth for the recipient.
Just put yourself in their position – and think what you’d like to hear during this difficult, scary time.
And please sign your first name, so they know who spent the time and effort to brighten their day.
If you’re feeling inspired, make 2…or 10. We need to reach 1,200 – so get your family, friends and classmates involved!
You can get them to The Giving Spirit by mailing them to:
Friendship Card Program
11693 San Vicente Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90049
The Giving Spirit needs as many cards as possible in the coming weeks – so grab your art supplies and start sharing your love!